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Scunthorpe Museum image from Station Roa
Scunthorpe Museum Image from Vicarage Ga
Scunthorpe Museum from behind 37750-nort


The Scunthorpe Museum Society was founded in 1957 to encourage and support active interest in the North Lincolnshire Museum and Art Gallery and also to encourage and enable learning in a wide range of interests for the people of the area.  To cover these aims, the Society was divided into sections with broad topic titles incorporating The Arts, History, Natural History and The Natural Sciences.  Changes to the sections have happened as times and people change.  There are currently three sections called "Art Group", "Local History and Archaeology Section" and "Natural History (including Ornithology) and Geology Section".


Over the years annually elected committees for each section have organised  lectures, visits and walks in the fields of local history, archaeology, astronomy, earth sciences (ecology, geology, meteorology,...), natural history (botany, entomology, ornithology,...).  The Art Group organises regular workshops and art exhibitions and occasional lectures.



There is a General Committee that oversees the section committees and is responsible for the organisation of the Society and also its finances from subscriptions and donations.  However, each section is responsible for its own income and expenditure.

Over the years the Society has helped to fund many different projects for North Lincolnshire Museum Service as part of its support for the Museum.


From the September of one year to the April of the following year the "Local History and Archaeology" and the "Natural History (including Ornithology) and Geology" sections of the Society run varied programmes of talks. Although these talks used to take place in the upper room of the North Lincolnshire Museum the venue for talks had to be changed in 2014 because of increased numbers attending them which would breach fire regulations. 

Meetings were then held in St Bernadette's Parish Church Hall for the next nine years to April 2023. New financial considerations then resulted in that Church being unable to hire out its premises to outside organisations.

Researches of other premises resulted in the Society moving to the Old Brumby United Church for its  meetings. So meetings are now held in Room 1, (Small Hall), of the Old Brumby United Church on Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2AQ, where there is ample seating capacity and also facilities for refreshments.  This venue can be found opposite the the St Hugh's Church on Ashby Road and next to the Apple Green filling station. There are limited parking spaces at the Church but parking is also allowed at the St Hugh's Church parking areas on the opposite side of Ashby Road.

Usually, the meetings for talks take place on the second and fourth Monday of each month starting at 7.15 pm and lasting about two hours including a break, usually mid-talk but at the discretion of the speaker, when refreshments are available for a small charge.  Changes from this routine for any particular meeting will be made clear in the programme.

Society members can attend any meeting free of charge. Talks are open to non-members who are interested in the topic of the talk, but, starting in January, 2024 there will be a £3 entry charge for non-members. No booking is required, and new members and visitors are always welcome. Members and visitors are afforded the opportunity to show their appreciation for any particular talk by making a voluntary donation at the close of the evening's talk. This helps the Section to pay the fees and travel expenses that speakers may charge.

Please note also that the Art Group currently meets at St Hugh's Church Hall near the Brumby crossroads on Ashby Road.  The Art Group workshop meetings are for members only and take place twice a week from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm on Tuesdays and from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm on Wednesdays.

There are two main exhibitions each year, in March and August, the latter taking place under the trees at the North Lincolnshire Museum.

The Group displays work independently and organises demonstrations and workshops for members.

Spring and Summer activities such as visits, field events, exhibitions etc will be announced with their details in the programme as and when they have been arranged.  For insurance reasons, these activities are for members only.


MEMBERSHIP of the Scunthorpe Museum Society is EITHER membership that includes BOTH the Local History and Archaeology Section AND the Natural History (including Ornithology) and Geology Section OR SINGLE membership to the Art Group only. Membership runs from the October of one year to the September of the following year.

Members receive diaries of events (DoE) for arranged meetings and other activities of all sections three times each year, in August, December and April.


For the combined membership of the Local History and Archaeology and Natural History (including Ornithology) and Geology sections, the annual fee is £15 for adults and £1 for students aged 16 to 18-year-old.

New members can join at any time.

For the Art Group, the annual fee is £75 which equates to just £1.50 per week. New members can start at any time with a reduced fee if joining after December. 



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