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Natural History and Geology Section - meet the second Monday of the month, September through to April.

Local History and Archaeology Section - meet the fourth Monday of the month, September through to April.

The Natural History and Geology Section and the Local History and Archaeology Section meetings are held in the Small Hall, Room 1, at the Old Brumby United Church, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2AQ, starting at 7.15pm. ALL ARE WELCOME TO OUR MEETINGS BUT PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS A £3 ENTRY CHARGE FOR NON-MEMBERS. 

Art Group Meetings are held in St Hugh's Church Hall, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2AG. New times are:-
Tuesdays - 7.00pm to 8.30pm
Wednesdays -  10.00am to 12.30pm.

Art Group -  

Wednesday, 22nd January, 2025

Framing and Mounting Tutorial.

February date T.B.A

Inhouse Watercolour Workshop.

Saturday, 29th March, 2025

Spring Exhibition and Awards.

Friday, 18th April to Monday, 21st April, 2025

Easter Exhibition at Normanby Hall.


Where dates are shown as T.B.A. details will be made available on our Facebook page Scunthorpe Museum Art Group. For further detailson any of these activities please contact Brian Skelton on 07881 314445.

Where dates are shown as t.b.a., details will be made available on our Facebook page Scunthorpe Museum Art Group. For further details on any of these activities please contact Brian Skelton on 07881 314 445.


 Natural History and Geology Section - 

Monday, 13th January, 2025

"The World of the Red Fox - Animal Ecology" by Professor Carl Soulsbury of the School of Natural Sciences, University of Lincoln.

The red fox is one of the most successful animals in the world. In this talk we will learn how it lives, reproduces and adapts to some of the most challenging environments in the world and explore its complicated relationship with humans.

      Local History and Archaeology Section -

    Monday, 27th January, 2025

"Paint Research and Analysis" by Paul Croft from Lincoln Conservation.

Paul will discuss how investigating paints and other decorative treatments applied to historic buildings and other structures provides evidence for their appearance over time. 

 Natural History and Geology Section - 

Monday,10th February, 2025

"Galapagos - The Enchanted Isles" by John Giles.

This is an illustrated introduction to Galapagos by a traveller to these wonderful and extremely varied lands. The talk introduces the physical and natural histories of the Galapagos Islands and, importantly, the effect that these differing environmental conditions have had on shaping the diversity of life across the islands. We will consider how this diversity has occurred, the roles played by natural and sexual selection and how these have affected the scientific view of what is a "species" and led to a changing view of evolutionary relationships/. Finally I think I should offer some remarks with regard to the pressures on the islands, such as invasive species and the possible long term value of these remarkable islands.

Local History and Archaeology Section -

Monday, 24th February, 2025

"Sand, Peat and Warp: recent geoarchaeological investigation in western Scunthorpe" by Luke Parker of York Archaeological Trust.

Luke will present the findings from extensive fieldwork from a 2200ha site between western Scunthorpe and the river Trent spanning a period from post-glacial to modern.

 Natural History and Geology Section - 

Monday, 10th March, 2025

"Lincoln Cathedral - The Challenge of Fabric Restoration" by Dr Mike Ashton.

Lincoln, arguably England's finest Gothic cathedral, is unique amongst English cathedrals in being built on the stone from which it is constructed: Lincoln Stone. For over 150 years its on-going restoration programme has been sourced from the Cathedral's own quarry in the outskirts of the city. However, in 2021 the quarry was decommissioned triggering two actions: the acceleration of a review of the Cathedral's external fabric, and the search for an alternative source of stone to supplement existing stocks and ultimately provide a sustainable supply for decades to come. We explore the interaction of geologists, stonemasons, and conservators as they attempt to meet these twin challenges.

Local History and Archaeology Section -

Monday, 24th March, 2025

 "The Shiny Stuff: gold and gold working" by Dr Kevin Leahy.

Gold has always had its allure and for thousands of years has been used for prestige objects. Dr Leahy's talk will look at some of these objects, how they were made and how they were used.

Monday, 7th April, 2025.

We have an Extraordinary General Meeting for the membership to consider for approval an updated Constitution.

​The General Committee has spent some time reviewing the Society's Constitution after inconsistencies were identified.

This is a joint meeting across all sections of the Society.

Natural History and Geology Section - 

Monday, 14th April, 2025

"Plants as Food and Medicine" by Trudy Norris, Medical Herbalist and Therapeutic Horticultural Therapist.

Trudy will explore the medicinal and culinary values and uses of common wild plants, considering how you can forage and include them in your diet to enhance wellbeing. She will also explore the concept of biophilia and how valuable this is as a mechanism for healing ourselves and our relationship with nature. Trudy is also a Counsellor as well as being a Medical Herbalist and Therapeutic Horticultural Therapist arising from her passion for working with plants and people.


Local History and Archaeology Section -

​Monday, 28th April, 2025

"Life and Death on a Medieval Battlefield" by Dr Samantha Tipper.

Drawing on the recently published research on the last battle of the Wars of the Roses, Dr Tipper will focus on what the skeletons found on the site of the battle of Stoke Field can tell us about life at the end of the Middle Ages.


 Natural History and Geology Section 

Local History and Archaeology Section

Art Group - 

Local History and Archaeology Section - 


Art Group -

Natural History and Geology Section -

Local History and Archaeology Section - 

Natural History and Geology Section -

Local History and Archaeology Section - 

Art Group + Natural History & Geology Section + Local History and Archaeology Section 


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